Inför det 25e klimattoppmötet i Madrid 2 – 13 december har Fridays For Future utlyst Global Strike For Future den 29 november.
På många platser runt om i världen genomförs aktioner, skolstrejker och manifestationer. Fridays For Future hälsar att Alla är välkomna – Alla behövs!
Senaste pressmeddelande från Klimatsverige. Tidigare Pressmeddelande.
Det internationella uppropet skriver:
“On Friday, November 29th we will again come together in a unified, global climate event and strike for climate around the world. We’re asking adults to step up alongside us. There are many different plans under way in different parts of the world for adults to join together and step up and out of your comfort zone for our climate. Let’s all join together, with your neighbors, co-workers, friends, family and go out on to the streets to make your voices heard and make this a turning point in our history.”
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